
Parents want their children to thrive,
not only in school, but in life.

The problem is that traditional education doesn’t allow them to pursue their passions, travel or learn naturally.
It can leave students feeling bored, bullied, anxious, depressed or stressed.

Girl Playing Violin

At West River Academy, we believe that every child has an innate life purpose and must be free to explore it.


Families have the right to make their own educational decisions, free from outside mandates.

Family Strolling on the field

Since 1993, we have helped thousands of families in over 50 countries to achieve the educational freedom they’ve been longing for. We have created a means by which natural learning can be converted to courses with credits and grades.

boy with donkey Language Arts Girl gardening Science Girl on tractor Agriculture Girl with horse Animal Studies

For families who want to take ownership of their education,
we offer annual enrollment, official transcripts, and high school
graduation from an accredited private school.

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Getting started is easy.

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Enroll, create your account and receive your confirmation letter.

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Transfer Records

Receive step-by-step instructions to transfer your previous school records.

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Live Free

Watch your children thrive as they take charge of their own lives!

We will be there with expert support and advocacy when you need it.




Years of Experience



Have questions on your specific situation?

West River Academy - Peggy Webb

“I’m Peggy Webb, Founder and Director of West River Academy. If your question wasn’t answered in our FAQ or you would like some personal assistance deciding if we are a good fit for your family, we’d love to hear from you!”

What Parents & Students Say

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North Carolina, USA

You respect and affirm young adults in ways that no typical school ever could. Schools have become prisons. You set the captives free!
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Kentucky, USA

West River Academy is wonderful. It is so non-invasive of your family and you can school whatever way you want! I highly recommend you to everyone I know.
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Colorado USA

Our unschooling journey is finally over. It’s been great. My girls have turned out better than I ever hoped! Thank you for all your help and role modeling for what is possible outside the system.
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Missouri, USA

The unschooling schedule allowed Peter the time to develop as an individual and to learn through his own study, analysis, and experience.
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Taiwan, ROC

You and your school are like a dream come true for me and my teens. I have told everyone I know about your school!
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Colorado, USA

I never let an opportunity go by to share Amanda’s school experience with anyone; it was the single best thing we ever did for her education!
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Colorado, USA

Thank you West River Academy for being there when we needed you most. When no one else was there to help us, you were there. My daughter was able to feel stronger and take charge of her life.
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Massachusetts, USA

I am so glad that we have chosen this way of life instead of conventional public school. It has really paid off watching all of my son’s interests bloom into great accomplishments. Thank you for all you have done for us!
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Colorado, USA

Amanda’s plan is to become a forensic anthropologist and she has such excitement and high hopes for her future. It’s truly wonderous to see when at one time in her life, school was nothing but a struggle for her. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the service and direction you provide to so many families!
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Before starting with West River Academy, the education of our child in a traditional school was a tiring experience, a heavy work, without inspiration. It was just an obligation that we didn’t want to do anymore. West River Academy allowed us as a family to experience education in a new paradigm. It’s a wonderful adventure to learn together as family. Thank you West River Academy!
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Colorado, USA

I just wanted to let you know that Cole was accepted into Colorado State University. We have a couple more schools to hear from, but CSU is his first choice because it is one of the few schools with both Apparel Design and Business programs. We would have never been able to engineer a turnaround for Cole without the flexibility that West River Academy provided and allowed him to complete his education in his own way. Thank you!
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Colorado, USA

I wanted to start off by saying that the Universe really does give us what we truly need. When I was at a loss on how to navigate the school system for a daughter who is struggling with depression and anxiety, I simply came across West River Academy. Thank you, thank you for making it easy and for creating this. It’s allowed my daughter to explore herself, and finally become proactive in her healing. And it’s allowed me to not be so stressed out! That’s important for a mama!
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Colorado, USA

Thank you so much for all your guidance, support and understanding. The journey has felt so much richer and more secure because of your input. I can’t express my gratitude to you enough!
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I can’t thank you enough for the opportunity to get to know myself and just be free!
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Colorado, USA

One of the greatest things about West River Academy is that it allowed me to combine my interests with education.
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Before entering the academy, I was bored and depressed locked in my room all day, tired and unmotivated. Now I use my time how I want to and have the freedom to be myself.
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Colorado, USA

I tell people about your school all the time; it’s an amazing program, you were an amazing help, and I’m still as excited about your school now as I was when I first enrolled!
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California, USA

I can’t express how much we appreciate the flexibility of working with West River Academy and how perfect it is for her learning style. I highly recommend you to everyone!
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Colorado, USA

Over the past year or so I have learned more about my life and myself than ever before. I have learned about making music, the benefits of self-reflection, relationships, things that inspire me to pursue my life goals, and just overall life skills!
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I’m very thankful for West River Academy for being there for me. During the time that we worked together, I learned a lot about myself and I will miss the entire experience. Thank you for being so understanding with me.
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Missouri USA

I want to thank you for being so supportive over the years. I am so thankful that my parents found your school. It has been exactly what I needed and you gave me the freedom to be who I want to be and learn in a way that was right for me.
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Missouri USA

Being in West River Academy has been one of the best experiences of my life and I have learned so much. I was able to unlock my inner self and my inner child. I was allowed to have fun while learning and be able to express myself as well as be more curious. I don’t think I would have changed a thing.
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Nevada, USA

I have enjoyed this experience so much and I love Peggy’s approach to education. Even when I graduate, I’m definitely going to keep up on some of the valuable habits I’ve learned through your program. Thank you, Peggy, for providing a wonderful homeschool program that fit me perfectly!
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Colorado, USA

I would like to thank West River Academy for all the support over the last four years. I feel blessed to have been able to experience such unique schooling and such a wide range of subjects. I feel confident that I have the knowledge and skills to succeed in college and in life in general.
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British Colombia, Canada

This alternative to regular schooling gave me the freedom to create my own curriculum according to my schedule. It got rid of all of the anguish and stress that families usually seem to experience when going through the schooling system. Also, I have exciting news; I have now been accepted into all of the colleges that I was working towards!
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Colorado, USA

I have been able to achieve a great education. I have learned that there is always more than one way to achieve your goals. Through West River Academy, I have learned about real life by doing real life experiences. My family has taught me not only math, reading, and writing, but they have taught me about fixing cars, balancing budgets and so much more.
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Washington USA

I have truly enjoyed being a part of West River Academy and I feel I have learned many valuable lessons, both educational and practical lessons for life. I feel I am ready to face all of the new challenges that I will be given as a young adult. I am thankful for your academy and all your hard work in helping my family achieve our goals in our homeschooling journey.
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Colorado, USA

West River Academy has changed my life. If I was still in traditional school, I think I would either be dead or in jail. This program, this school, this new way of thinking and learning is the greatest thing anyone could ask for. Because of you I have been able to pursue my dreams in skiing and in life, without interruptions, stress over grades, tests or stress of being in the mediocre school environment. I truly thank you from the deepest place in my heart!
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Texas USA

These past four years in West River Academy have been the highlight of my teenage years. This experience has been about me and finding out who I am. Finding your school was the most essential part of the beginning of my new life. I sincerely believe that this was meant to be; your academy changed my life! Thank you so much. I’ll never forget that your school was the only one that gave me a chance when no one else would.
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Hawaii, USA

For the past couple of years it was very difficult to even think about what I would do the next day because of my anxiety and depression. The thought of getting a high school diploma seemed unrealistic in my mind. Well, look at me now; I’m halfway to receiving my diploma and I am so grateful for West River Academy! I have a clearer vision of a possible future and the confidence to believe in myself.

You don’t have to settle for an unaccommodating or toxic
educational environment. Enroll now and help your children
grow into confident, happy and thriving young adults.
