Can I enroll if I live in a country outside the U.S.?
You are invited to enroll with us from any country in the world. You can also travel from country to country and be covered by West River Academy to show proof of enrollment in a school.
We have representatives in many countries that can help you understand more about what we offer and local legal requirements and issues. Please choose the country or language from the list below and message us in the language you prefer.
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Bosnia
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Canada
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- France
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Mexico
- Peru
- Philippines
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Serbia
- Serbia
- Spain
- Taiwan
You are responsible for understanding the laws in your country and complying with them. We can request that records be sent from your previous school to us to help you withdraw from that school.
You can enroll beginning August 1 or February 1, depending on your country’s academic year. The enrollment period is for 12 months, so your local school year can be accommodated within your 12-month enrollment period.
What documents do I have to submit when I enroll?
If you have attended a school before enrolling with us, we will need to review the school records to confirm placement in the appropriate grade.
Can my studies be certified?
At the end of the year, you can order a transcript. It can be notarized and/or sent for an Apostille. Express Mail is required for addresses outside the U.S.
If you wish to certify previous years, you must first enroll for those years. Then you can include those years on your transcript.
What should I do if I live outside the U.S. and want to go to a university in my country?
We cannot guarantee that your preferred colleges will accept you, as their admissions policies are up to them. However, we do have a good track record of having our transcripts accepted at private and public universities in the United States, Canada, UK, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and Argentina. A list of some of the institutions our graduates have been accepted into can be found on our Graduation page.
If you live outside the U.S., the diploma will be mailed to our office and then we will ship it to you. Express Mail is required for addresses outside the U.S. Our Apostille Package includes 2 documents and Express Mail. This process takes 4-6 weeks.
After you receive your Apostilled documents, you will have to present them to the Ministry of Education of your country to request that they be validated. Each country has its own regulations and in many countries, there are no regulations for education outside their country. So we don’t know if your country will validate our documents until you try or if we have previous experience. We strongly recommend that you check with local officials before you enroll in West River Academy to find out if your documents will be validated and if not, what your course of action would be.
If you already have a group of at least 20 students that you are offering paid services to, you can enroll as a group and receive discounted student fees as follows:
$225 per student
$40 per sibling
This includes digital delivery of the confirmation of enrollment letters. For physical delivery by mail, with original signature and school stamp, a fee of $10 added to the above prices. Postage with tracking can also be ordered.
If the group is larger, we apply discounts off of the above prices:
- 20 – 99 students: $225, $40 per sibling
- 100 – 499 students: 20% off the fees in A
- 500 – 999 students: 40% off the fees in A
- 1000+ students: 60% off the fees in A
We can issue transcripts at the end of each year. They can be notarized and, for students outside the U.S., they can be sent for Apostilles and mailed to the Group Administrator.
There must be one person who acts as the Administrator of the group and handles all the transactions and communication between the families and West River Academy. We will not work directly with any families in the group. The Administrator is the liaison.
Admins can pay using their desired payment method.
Are you accredited?
We are accredited by the National Association for the Legal Support of Alternative Schools (NALSAS), an organization that accredits alternative schools in the U.S. Their website is
Because we choose not to comply with the curriculum requirements of any entity, we do not seek accreditation from any of the large regional accreditation organizations in the U.S. Therefore, our accreditation may not be universally recognized.
We encourage you to take responsibility for your decision to educate outside the system and do all the research necessary to make sure you are making a wise decision for your family. We do our best to support you and help you achieve your educational goals, but we cannot be held responsible if things don’t go as expected.
Do I have to file a Notice of Intent to homeschool with my school district?
We are a private international school, so by enrolling with us, you are in compliance with your state’s compulsory attendance laws in most states.
We contact the previous school to let them know of your withdrawal and ask for records to be transferred to us. We retain the records while you are enrolled with us. If you leave West River Academy, we forward updated records to the new school. We issue transcripts and high school diplomas. So we function as a full-service accredited private school. In most states and countries, this is understood and you do not file a Notice of Intent to homeschool or do the testing or evaluation required of homeschoolers. If your state or country does not recognize us as an alternative to being enrolled in a public school, you may have to comply with their requirements in addition to being enrolled with us. The benefit of enrollment in that case is that we can issue transcripts and a high school diploma upon completion of high school.
Are you a California PSP?
Yes. We are a California Private Satellite School (PSP) and file an affidavit with the California Department of Education each year.
What is your status in Colorado?
West River Academy is a Colorado corporation and a private school. This means that your family is in compliance with the compulsory attendance laws of the state and will not have to comply with the homeschooling laws. You will not have to file a Notice of Intent to homeschool with your school district each year. You will not have to do the testing or evaluations required at the end of grades 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. It also means that you do not have the right to attend public school part-time or participate in sports or other extra-curricular activities. Some students have been able to do this, but it is up to the school district.
Are you an online school?
No. We do not offer online courses.
Are you an umbrella school?
Yes. West River Academy is an umbrella school, meaning that your enrollment with us allows you to self-educate under the umbrella of a private school.
Are you legal in all 50 states?
There is nothing in any state law that forbids you from enrolling with West River Academy. However, not all states will accept your enrollment as sufficient and will require that you fulfill their requirements, such as curriculum approval and testing.
What support do you provide after we enroll?
We offer consultations that you can purchase if and when you need our help with your situation. We can help you create an impressive transcript, put together a daily plan, advise on learning styles and methodologies, offer resources and explore with you post-secondary options. We also send you a monthly newsletter with resources, a short timely podcast and dates of our monthly Q&A Zoom calls and Social Hours in multiple languages. A Teen Mentorship Program is designed to help teens navigate the last 4 years of their educational journey.
Do you supply books, materials and curricula?
We believe that a curriculum is designed for a group of students who must all be learning standard information at certain ages. This is not how humans learn best. So we do not recommend, sell or provide curriculum of any kind. However, you are free to choose any materials, books, programs of study or methodology that you wish, in keeping with your own beliefs, philosophy or convictions. We do not interfere, but we are available to assist if and when you need us. You may order consultations if and when needed.
We promote natural learning, also called unschooling, which returns the authority for choosing an educational path to the student in cooperation with the parents. We want your children to thrive in a safe, healthy and free environment, in which pursuing their Interests will lead them to a satisfying and happy life.
Can you recommend any resources?
After enrolling, you will find a page dedicated to Resources We Love, which we add to as we find new ones that inspire us.
For young children in Kindergarten through Grade 6, there is an inexpensive book series that may be useful to you and enjoyed by your children:
What Your __Grader Needs to Know by E.D. Hirsch, Jr.
For teens that would like to do some formal courses, we first recommend checking into your local community college. Teens can take courses and earn both high school and college credit simultaneously.
Another option for teens is enrolling in online courses, such as those offered by Khan Academy, which are free and self-paced.
What is unschooling or natural learning and how can I learn more about it?
Unschooling is a term coined by educator John Holt, who believed that children should be free to learn naturally, following their interests, not bound by the dictates of a school curriculum. Unschooling returns the authority for choosing an educational path to the student in cooperation with the parents. It provides the foundation for your children to thrive because they are able to follow their heart and create a satisfying and happy life for themselves.
John Holt was a pioneer in school reform in the US. He was a Yale University graduate and spent time as a teacher. He started wondering why toddlers and pre-school children had so much fun exercising their curiosity and loved learning and then, as 10-year-olds, acted up in class and appeared bored with learning. He came to realize that when the element of coercion is added to the learning model, it turns off love of learning and students just try to get by with the least effort. John Holt’s solution to this was to do the opposite of what is done in school. Instead of being required to participate, let it be voluntary. Instead of changing subjects every hour, let the child continue learning in an area of interest as long as his interest continues. Let him stop when he loses interest. Let his interests lead his learning. Isn’t that how adults learn?
Unschooling or natural learning is referred to as self-directed education, interest-based learning, child-led learning and relaxed homeschooling, among other terms. Think of it as putting the child in the driver’s seat of the car. The parent is in the passenger’s seat, making sure the car is not driven off a cliff, being the navigator with map in hand, letting the driver know what appears to be up ahead, etc. The child is then free to take the interstate or go off on a scenic byway, explore different places along the way or get to the destination as fast as he can. It’s letting the child drive the car while the parent offers guidance and assures safety.
Unschooling is usually eased into, as there is a lot of programming that both parents and children have received while being in the system. West River Academy will support you as you move comfortably into a learning style that is right for your family.
To learn more about learning naturally, please visit these websites:
- John Holt’s Growing Without Schooling at
- Muddy Smiles at
- Homeschooling Why and How at
What does it cost to enroll a student for one academic year?
To enroll one student for one year, the annual fee is $375. You can add children to your family enrollment by paying $50 per child. So, for example, if you wish to enroll 3 children for one school year, you will pay $475.
If you are part of an official West River Academy Group of 20 or more students, there is different pricing. See Group Enrollment.
Can I enroll in the middle of the year?
Yes, you may enroll at any time of the year. If you take your child out of school after the completion of the first semester, we can transfer in courses completed. Annual fees apply.
When do I have to enroll? Is there a deadline?
We offer year-round open enrollment. Your enrollment will cover you for the full 12 months, beginning either August 1 or February 1. We recommend that you enroll by the time school starts in your area.
If I withdraw a student in the middle of the year after having paid for the full year, will I get a refund?
Our refund policy clearly states that once payment is received, no refunds will be issued unless a prior agreement is in place.
What additional services do you provide?
- Transcripts: You may order a transcript at any time for any period of enrollment. The first transcript for a student costs $80. Subsequent transcripts for the same student cost $25.
- Notarization: Any document we issue can be notarized. The fee is $20. Express Mail is required for addresses outside the U.S.
- Apostille: If you live outside the U.S., your document, such as a transcript or diploma, can be sent for an Apostille if your country is a member of The Hague Convention. The fee is $75. Express Mail is required for documents mailed outside the U.S. The Apostille Package costs $175 and includes 2 documents and Express Mail.
- Postage: Documents mailed outside the U.S. must be sent by Express Mail so the delivery is expedited, insured and guaranteed. Documents sent within the U.S. can be sent First Class for no extra charge or you can pay for Priority or Express Mail. We are not responsible for lost mail.
- Consultations: We are happy to speak to you and your children any time you need support with your children’s education. You can purchase consultations if and when the need arises. The fee is $120 for one hour. You can purchase smaller amounts of time.
- Custom Letter: If you need a custom letter for your auto insurance company or for anything that requires specific wording, you may order and pay for it as a custom amount. The fee for a one-page custom letter is $35.
Is there an enrollment deadline?
There is no deadline for enrollment. You may enroll at any time for the full year or any portion of the year. You can also enroll retroactively to get credit for previous years. We recommend that you enroll by the time school starts in your area.
Is there a minimum or maximum age to enroll?
There is no minimum or maximum age to enroll. We recommend that you enroll your child when your state laws require children to be enrolled in a public or private school. There is no maximum age to enroll. We can even enroll adults who wish to get their high school diploma.
When does my enrollment begin?
Your enrollment begins either on August 1 or February 1, depending on where you live and when school begins in your country. Your enrollment is for 12 months, so your country’s academic year can be accommodated within this period. The annual enrollment fee is $375 for one student plus $50 for each additional child in the family.
Can I talk to someone before I enroll?
We are happy to offer you a free 15-minute consultation to help you understand how West River Academy can benefit you and see if we are a fit for your family.
Please read all the FAQs that apply to you before the consultation so you will have all the information you need and can use the 15 minutes wisely.
I have a special needs child. Can you help?
Since there are no academic requirements at West River Academy, you are free to work with your child in the way you feel is best. We can offer consultations if and when necessary to help you negotiate this path with your child.
Can my child skip grades or complete two grade levels in one academic year?
When you enroll, you must select a grade level that corresponds to your child’s age or the grade the child was in while in school. Since we do not focus on curriculum-based learning, completing a number of grade levels according to a curriculum will not qualify to skip grades or put more than one grade level per year on your transcript. Regardless of when, how, or how much learning takes place, everything will be categorized under our standard course structure and documented as one grade level per academic year.
If you are transferring from another school, your grade level must be the one you are in if enrolling during the same academic year or the next grade level if enrolling for the next academic year. You cannot skip a grade level. The only way to skip a grade in US schools is to go through extensive testing and then have the school recommend that the student advance to a higher grade. We are not in the position of testing students or evaluating them for skipping grades.
In US high schools, students are not promoted from one grade to another. Students complete courses and receive credits each year. To graduate, a student must complete a specific number of credits and have the minimum amount of credits in specific subject areas. To graduate from West River Academy, students must have all four years, Grades 9-12, on their final transcripts.
Can we enroll in West River Academy if we travel from state to state or country to country?
We have many world-schooling families. Our official confirmation of enrollment letter can be presented to any state’s or country’s officials to prove enrollment in a private U.S. school to show compliance with compulsory attendance laws. We cannot guarantee that you will not have to comply with local laws, but in most cases, families have been free to continue along their educational path without problems.
How do I withdraw my child from the previous school?
If your child has been attending a US school, you will fill out that school’s contact information while enrolling. We will then contact the school to inform them of your withdrawal from that school and request that they send us the school records. When we receive the records, either digitally or by mail, we will let you know that we have them.
As a courtesy to the school, you may wish to let them know that you are enrolling your child in a private school effective immediately or on a certain date and that they will be receiving a request to transfer records shortly. Be sure you have no outstanding fees or other loose ends to tie up or the school will not release the records.
If you live outside the US, you will be responsible for withdrawing your child from the school. We can assist by emailing the school a request to transfer records if you fill out the record request form when enrolling.
What if my child has been homeschooling according to state law?
In this case, there are no school records to transfer. We recommend that you contact the district office and let them know that you have decided to enroll your child in a private school.
What if my child wants to go back to school?
You can order a transcript that covers the time the student was with us. We will send the transcript to the next school when we receive a request for records from the new school.
What if I change my mind about enrolling after I have paid the fees?
Our refund policy states that no refunds will be issued after payment is made unless a prior agreement is in place. Please be sure to read all the FAQs and do your research before you enroll. We invite you to a free 15-minute consultation to help you decide if we are a fit for your family.
What is required in order for me to enroll?
You create an account, provide student information, upload previous school records or fill out a record request from and pay the fees.
What is required of me after I enroll?
Since there are no academic requirements and we do not provide materials or curricula, you are free to choose the educational style and materials for your family. We are available to assist and support if and when you need us.
How much record-keeping is required?
We encourage you to keep your own records, but you are not required to report to us until the end of the year.
We recommend keeping a journal if you are in high school so that an accurate final transcript can be made.
As for attendance records, we consider that your student’s attendance is 100%. In most cases, you do not have to comply with the homeschooling laws, which may require a specific number of hours of study per day or year. By being enrolled in a private school, you only have to follow the policies of the school.
What do I have to send you at the end of the year?
At the end of each year, we ask you to send us a summary of what was learned during the year. If you use a curriculum, your report might take the form of course names and grades, along with other activities and your comments. If you learn naturally, your report might be a refection on your year’s activities and the individual growth you have observed. Some families like to put together a portfolio that includes pictures and artwork. The year-end report is designed to help you prove to yourself how much your children learned. So choose a format that will be of value to you.
If you would like an official transcript at the end of each year or one at the end of multiple years, you may purchase it at the published fees.
Will I receive a transcript at the end of each year?
You are welcome to start to build your transcript at any time. Watch the tutorial and then start to enter the information to include on the transcript. Save the progress so you can come back to it at any time to edit it. If you wish to have an official transcript issued, you submit and pay for it. We will review it with you to make sure it accurately represents your learning.
You may order a transcript at any time for any period of enrollment in West River Academy except for Grade 12. To receive a transcript that includes Grade 12, you must have demonstrated eligibility to graduate and have paid for the Graduation Program. Then, if you need an In-Progress transcript, we can issue one that shows the first semester of Grade 12 as completed and the second semester courses in progress. There is no additional fee for the In-Progress Grade 12 high school transcript.
A transcript can include years from other schools if we receive official transcripts from those schools. If you were not enrolled in a school that can provide official transcripts, you will have to enroll with us for those years so that they can be considered for inclusion on your transcript.
How do I graduate and receive a high school diploma?
To be eligible to graduate, you will need to be enrolled with us for all 4 years of high school or have on file approved transcripts for years completed at other schools. You must be enrolled with us for at least Grade 12. Then you complete the Graduation Project, which is an educational biography or a custom project, such as a multi-media presentation, artwork with narration, etc. The educational biography or the custom project must be a presentation of your educational journey from as far back as you can remember up until the present time. If you wish to do a custom project, you must submit a proposal first and have it approved. Your project can be submitted in English or Spanish. Other languages may also be possible. It must include all of Grade 12, so it should be submitted towards the end of the academic year. The fee for the Graduation Program is $395, in addition to the annual enrollment fee of $375.
Is there a deadline for submitting my Graduation Project?
Yes, the Graduation Project must be submitted by the last day of your enrollment period. If you are enrolled for the academic year that begins in August, the project must be submitted by July 31. If you are enrolled for the academic year that begins in February, the project must be submitted by January 31. If the project is not submitted by the deadline, you will have to pay for enrollment in the next academic year to complete your project.
Is my West River Academy diploma and transcript accepted by universities in every country?
Our graduates have been able to enroll in colleges and universities in a growing number of countries, including the United States, Argentina, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Romania, Spain and the UK. A list of some of the institutions our graduates have been accepted at can be found on our Graduation page.
We recommend that you work with the university you wish to apply to before enrolling with us and that you apply to multiple colleges or universities so you have options. If you enroll in a community college and receive your Associate Degree, you can then enroll in a 4-year college as a transfer student.
What should I do if I live outside the U.S. and want to go to a university in my country?
The diploma and transcript can be notarized and/or sent for Apostilles. Order the Apostille Package for $175, which includes Apostilles for 2 documents and Express Shipping. Please allow 4-6 weeks for this process.
After you receive your notarized or Apostilled documents, you can present them to the Ministry of Education of your country to request that they be validated. Once validated, you can present them to the university. We strongly recommend that you check with local officials before you enroll in West River Academy to check on the likelihood of your documents being validated and, if not, what your course of action would be.
Can I graduate with only a diploma and not a transcript?
Every student must graduate with a 4-year high school transcript and diploma. All 4 years must be completed either at West River Academy or up to 3 years transferred in from another school.
Will you send my transcript to the universities I apply to?
Students should create an account with Parchment. We will upload your transcript to Parchment and then you can have it sent to any university at any time, present or future. We can also submit it to the Common App. If you live outside the US and the university does not accept transcripts via Parchment, we can work with you on another method. There is no charge for electronic transmission of your transcript upon graduation. Requests after one year from the date of graduation may incur a fee.