Discover Tuneagers: A Songwriting Club for Teens

Discover Tuneagers: A Songwriting Club for Teens

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Navigating the teenage years can be challenging, and finding a constructive outlet for creativity is essential. That’s where Tuneagers comes in—a songwriting club designed exclusively for teens. This club offers a supportive environment where young, aspiring songwriters can connect with peers worldwide, learn the intricacies of songwriting, and begin their journey as artists.

Tuneagers is more than just a club. It’s a community where teenagers can find their voice, share their stories, and grow as songwriters. Whether you’re an experienced songwriter or just starting, Tuneagers provides the tools, instruction, and encouragement needed to hone your craft. And now, Tuneagers is offering a scholarship for free access and a 25% discount for West River Academy students!

Why Join Tuneagers?

Find Your Voice, Share Your Story

Learning to write songs is a skill that requires both instruction and regular practice. This process can be daunting and less enjoyable when done alone. Tuneagers offers a vibrant community of like-minded peers and professional songwriters who will guide you through the songwriting process, providing feedback and encouragement every step of the way.

In Tuneagers, you’ll have the opportunity to meet professional songwriters who will share the tricks of the trade, helping you learn to tell compelling stories through music. This isn’t just about writing songs; it’s about becoming a storyteller, a collaborator, and an artist.

Tuneagers allef vinicius

A Community of Peers and Professionals

Tuneagers is not just a club; it’s a community tailored to your interests. Want to learn how to write rhymes from a professional hip-hop artist? Are you interested in co-writing a rock opera? Whatever your passion, Tuneagers will connect you with professionals who can help you explore and develop your unique style.

The club also emphasizes collaboration, teaching you how to co-write songs—a valuable skill in the music industry. Even the biggest names in music, like Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, and Justin Timberlake, often co-write their songs. At Tuneagers, you’ll make friends and learn how to create music together, enhancing your songwriting abilities and building a network of fellow music enthusiasts.

Accelerate Your Growth as a Songwriter

Join Tuneagers and gain access to up to eight hours of instruction and live events each month for the price of a single music lesson. Traditional one-on-one lessons are beneficial, but a songwriting club like Tuneagers offers a unique advantage by focusing on the art of making music. These hands-on learning opportunities will help you develop your songwriting skills rapidly while also providing a platform to build social connections with teens from around the globe.

Meet the Founder

Tuneagers was founded by Aimee Bobruk, a professional musician, songwriter, and music teacher with over 15 years of experience in the music industry. Aimee has written and released multiple albums of original music and collaborates with publishing companies and artists as a lyricist and melody writer. Her song “Black Swan” was performed in Eurovision’s Melodifestivalen in Sweden, and she has over 25 co-writes released worldwide and two Grammy nominations.

“When I was 15 years old living in a small town and trying to learn how to play the guitar and write songs, I had nowhere to turn to learn how to do it. I wanted a group of kids like me, a mentor to ask questions to, and a live music venue. Tuneagers is the club I wish I had then!” says Aimee Bobruk. Tuneagers is her passion project, designed to provide the support and community she once longed for.

Aimee Bobruk
Tuneagers Poster

Scholarship Opportunities

Tuneagers is excited to offer a scholarship for free teen access until October 30th. This scholarship includes intensive mentorship from Aimee Bobruk and access to a wealth of content to help you write your first song. Valued at $2000, this is a fantastic opportunity to bring your musical ideas to life. Applications are open until August 15, 2024. Apply now using this form.

Even if you miss the application deadline or are not accepted, there’s still good news. All learners associated with West River Academy will receive a 25% discount on the Tuneagers Club Membership until October 30th. For any questions, feel free to email Aimee at

Join Tuneagers Today

Tuneagers is more than a club; it’s a stepping stone to discovering your artistic voice and building a network of supportive peers and professionals. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to grow as a songwriter and artist. Visit Tuneagers today to learn more and join our community!

Mentes Brillantes: A Visionary Education in Ecuador

Mentes Brillantes: A Visionary Education in Ecuador

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The foundation of Mentes Brillantes is a story rooted in a mother’s desire to create a unique and supportive educational environment for her child. Sonnia de Carrion, who has dedicated nearly 30 years to teaching, envisioned a different kind of education while pregnant with her daughter. Concerned that unschooling might be a lonely option for her only child, Sonnia sought to create a nurturing, safe, and engaging learning environment.

Mentes Brillantes started as informal gatherings in 2019, where Sonnia’s daughter and children of close friends, who shared similar educational philosophies, participated in English and cooking classes and enjoyed ample free play. The core of this initiative was the joy and growth witnessed among these children, all of whom shared the same religious beliefs as Jehovah’s Witnesses.

From Informal Gatherings to a Flourishing School

What began as casual classes quickly evolved into a more structured program. Overcoming numerous challenges, Sonnia and her husband discovered West River Academy, an institution perfectly aligned with their vision of a values-based, safe school. Starting with 20 students, Mentes Brillantes adapted swiftly to the pandemic, expanding its reach to 100 online students. The dedication of Sonnia and her husband, who initially ran the school alone, was instrumental in this growth.

As the school grew, more teachers were hired, and students were divided into grades. By 2022, Mentes Brillantes began seeking a physical location for in-person classes. Currently, they serve 315 students through a mix of presential, online, and hybrid modalities.

Pre-K to 6th grade students can attend school on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, while Thursday classes are available online. Fridays are free for these students. For 7th to 12th-grade students, in-person classes are held on Thursdays and Fridays, with the option to attend online. They have online courses on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and Mondays are free. All in-person classes are available live and online.

A Holistic Approach to Education

The school emphasizes holistic education, incorporating extracurricular activities such as Spelling Bees, Theater plays, choreographies, Art Contests, Music talent shows, and Field trips. These events reinforce the students’ talents and knowledge, providing a well-rounded educational experience.

Assessment at Mentes Brillantes includes four annual tests, which can be taken online or in person. Their graduation program is particularly noteworthy. In the 12th grade, students select a topic they are passionate about and write a research paper. This process includes deadlines, rules, and meetings in English to discuss the topics, guided by project tutors. If a student is not proficient in English, they are allowed to complete the project in Spanish.

At the end of the year, students present their research orally to judges, summarizing their year-long investigation and discussing their findings and conclusions. This exercise helps develop essential soft skills such as public speaking and research capabilities.

Building a Supportive Community

The journey of Mentes Brillantes has been marked by growth and success, primarily attributed to the supportive community of educators, students, and parents and the significant support from West River Academy. The school’s commitment to each student and their families is evident in every aspect of its approach.

Sonnia de Carrion’s vision has flourished into a vibrant community where students learn, play, and grow together. With Jehovah’s blessing, Mentes Brillantes has seen two groups of students graduate in 2023 and 2024, a testament to the school’s dedication and effectiveness.

Looking forward, Mentes Brillantes aims to continue fostering the abilities and spiritual qualities necessary for their students to succeed in life. The collaboration with West River Academy and the strong sense of community promises a bright future for this innovative educational initiative.

Jaco Learning Center – WRA Group in Costa Rica

Jaco Learning Center – WRA Group in Costa Rica

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Collaboration is key at Jaco Learning Center because the teachers, parents and students work closely together to create a learning experience built on creativity, unity and natural learning.  They have created a beautiful learning space that has different sections based on age range. They have an outdoor space, a second-level sport section, a music area, divisions within the building to separate the learning areas and they fill each space with age-appropriate learning materials such as books, craft projects and other educational games and activities. The parents and teachers work well together to design learning themes. In addition to the natural curiosity that comes with living in Costa Rica’s tropical climate, the parents and teachers prioritize critical thinking skills and it is very important to teach the students about how they can directly create a positive impact on their community.

In March, our Creative Director, Rachel Nishikawa, had the fantastic opportunity to visit and meet with the Principal, Brittany. With three of her own children enrolled, Brittany radiates a profound dedication to the unschooling ethos. Her warmth and boundless compassion are evident in every interaction. She gave Rachel a tour of their vibrant learning hub where children thrive at their own rhythm.






We enjoy connecting with our groups around the world because it is fascinating to see how alternative education can be applied in various cultures. In countries where withdrawing students from the government educational system is illegal, families who dare to do so run the risk of being arrested or reported to social services. In order to reduce the risk of this happening, families enroll in West River Academy and demonstrate with their Confirmation of Enrollment documents that they are complying with compulsory attendance laws by enrolling in a private school in the United States. They can also present official transcripts to prove the student has completed grade levels. Worldschoolers and other ex-pats who join learning communities may feel safer being enrolled with a school such as West River Academy.


Meet Lifelong Student of WRA, Anastasia Tegheni

Meet Lifelong Student of WRA, Anastasia Tegheni

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We had the freedom of expressing ourselves through art, poetry, science, music and, mostly, just being in nature.” – Anastasia Tegheni

Anastasia Tegheni has been enrolled with us since she was 7 years old, along with her older brother Damian, who graduated from West River Academy in 2021. Blessed with parents who understood the importance of childhood exploration, they fostered an environment where curiosity roamed freely and passions were pursued enthusiastically.

In their early years, Anastasia and Damian found solace and expression in sketching the beauty of the natural world around them, from the intricate patterns of insects to the serene majesty of the local flora and fauna. As Anastasia matured, her artistic talents found a new canvas in acrylic painting, where she discovered a penchant for capturing not just images, but emotions, within her work. National recognition soon followed, with Anastasia’s pieces earning accolades in esteemed art exhibitions.

Enjoy some of her work.

However, her artistic talent was just one part of her diverse interests. During her teenage years, Anastasia discovered a passion for competitive marksmanship, where she found herself excelling in focus and determination. With the support of a dedicated mentor, she flourished in national competitions, showcasing her abilities beyond the realm of art. During our conversation in this interview, she shared how that period in her life held significant importance, as it marked the beginning of her deep appreciation for patience, conscientiousness and discipline.

Then at age 14, Anastasia’s vocal skills took center stage when she WOWED her Music History teacher with a moving performance of Angela Gheorgiu’s “The Tree.” Anastasia faced a crossroads at this time, where her growing passion for opera clashed with the demands of her firing practice. The shooting range was on the opposite side of town from where she had her music practice. That’s when she made the decision to put her ALL into her dream career as an Opera Singer. In November 2023, she clinched First Place in the National Opera Competition, scoring both a prize and a scholarship offer. With her graduation from West River Academy set for May 2024, she’s eagerly anticipating the start of her next chapter!

Here are some pictures about her Opera career

Please watch the video interview below to hear Anastasia’s story straight from the source.

Interview on Wild Life – The Unschooling Podcast (Alexandra Kons)

Interview on Wild Life – The Unschooling Podcast (Alexandra Kons)

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Listen to a fascinating interview with Alexandra Kons and Peggy on the Wild Life Unschooling Podcast. If you are new to unschooling, you need to hear this; if you have been doing it for a while, this will be the refresher you need.

About Alexandra Kons:

In the bustling world of journalism, there are those who not only report the news but also carve paths of innovation and inspiration. Meet Alexandra Kons, a remarkable journalist from Spain whose journey is as diverse as it is captivating. Beyond her journalistic endeavors, Alex is also a devoted unschooling mother, weaving her passion for learning and empowerment into every facet of her life. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental and Asian Studies from the Friedrich Wilhelms University of Bonn and a Master’s in Arabic Studies from the Free University of Berlin, her academic prowess is undeniable.

Alex’s professional trajectory is equally impressive, spanning roles as a crypto-journalist, editor-in-chief, marketing expert, and podcaster since 2017. However, her latest venture as the Head of Education at Freeth’m since 2023 truly showcases her visionary spirit. In this role, she spearheads the creation of self-sustainable, decentralized towns worldwide, embodying a bold vision for the future where education and community intertwine harmoniously. Alex’s story is about her achievements and the boundless possibilities when passion, expertise, and a commitment to change converge.

You can read the transcript HERE if you speak Spanish and don’t want to miss this incredible interview.

“Umbrella School” West River Academy’s Peggy Webb on Helping Worldschoolers Get into University

“Umbrella School” West River Academy’s Peggy Webb on Helping Worldschoolers Get into University

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Peggy was interviewed by a worldschooler mom, Lizz Quain, and she wrote the following on her Youtube Channel:

Peggy Webb is the founder of West River Academy, an “umbrella school” which many homeschoolers, unschoolers and worldschoolers, in over 50 countries, have used since the late 1990s to convert their learning into courses with credits and grades. They offer annual enrollment, official transcripts, and high school graduation from an accredited private school. This conversation is part of my new interview series with worldschooling veterans, families and service providers (schools, worldschool hub leaders, travel insurance CEOs etc.). There will usually be Facebook Lives in my Facebook group   / trailblazingfamilies   on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays. Please join us there so you can participate in future FB lives. Replays will be posted on this Youtube channel. Stay tuned for more inspiring conversations with fascinating worldschoolers, make sure to subscribe to this channel, invite your friends and family to the FB group or this Youtube channel and let us know what kind of inspiring worldschooling and family travel content you are eager to watch! 🥾✈️🌍👪


Enjoy the interview:

You can see other interviews here, as well:

WRA Groups: Meet Los Castaños from El Salvador

WRA Groups: Meet Los Castaños from El Salvador

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We’d like to introduce you to one of our 102 groups world-wide in West River Academy. Los Castaños is a group in El Salvador that is committed to educating their students in an expansive way.  This year celebrates seven years of educating students and teaching the community about alternative education.

The phenomenon of unschooling can be found in various ways: families who travel and their education is based on the cultures they discover on their journeys; some families do unschooling because their children are high performers in sports; others because they disagree with traditional education and many other reasons.


Los Castaños

If we delve even further into how to carry out unschooling, we have families that do it individually and others in a community manner. Today, we want to show you this latest modality of unschooling, which is in a group-organized way, similar to a school structure outside of the traditional system.

Los Castaños was founded by Claudia Turcios, a Salvadorian who has embraced Natural Learning and is committed to providing practical knowledge for the next generation. Her vision was put into action on November 26, 2016, when she organized a small group of families to learn topics such as agriculture, cooking, managing finances, and the list goes on. Seven years later, her dream has expanded and now provides a solution to hundreds of families. This current year, she has more than 80 students and 20 teachers who share the same vision.

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What is the experience in Los Castaños like?

This alternative and bilingual school consists of children ages 3-18. Claudia and her team are with them on their educational process each step of the way. This is the second year that 12th graders will be graduating and certified by West River Academy.

Their methodology is a mix of Montessori, supported by emotional intelligence with a firm foundation of ethics. This is not a school where you leave your children at the school door mindlessly. The participation of families is essential for the healthy functioning of this institution.

Among their students, they have the competence and training to receive neuro-divergent students with autism, giftedness, and Down syndrome, which makes educational life inclusive and without distinctions in terms of opportunities and activities. Everyone is equally invited to participate in the different educational events offered by the school.

In addition to life in the classrooms, Los Castaños offers field activities that are previously planned and can be seen in their annual calendars—visits to museums and local or national parks. Even everyday places such as grocery shopping for their meals provide a guided experience to cultivate practical life skills.

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“At Los Castaños, we educate for peace.”

Claudia shared with us what a typical day looks like for them. The idea is that the day is flexible and offers an array of subject areas they can learn at their fingertips.

Of its 20 teachers and facilitators, some are permanent for each grade and others rotate to provide different natural learning activities weekly: music, cooking, arts, Kenpo/Karate, studio arts and design, and entrepreneurship. They actively participate in the Recicla 503 program as ambassadors of environmental care. They offer swimming, coding, yoga, mindfulness, and other practical and optional activities.

One of the main priorities to them is to have a comprehensive emotional education program, which promotes “self-knowledge, management of emotions and feelings, management of tension and stress, assertive communication, empathy, interpersonal relationships, conflict management, decision making, critical thinking, and creativity.”

Graduandos Los Castaños West River Academy

Graduation 2023

As we had mentioned, 5 of their students are graduating this year. One of the fundamental requirements at West River Academy is to complete an Educational Biography, a written essay about their educational journey from as far back as they can remember until now.

Claudia tells us that this activity was therapeutic for these young adults since they were able to internalize and reflect on everything they had learned. She said that this will have a positive impact on their future as adults, in more ways than we can know.

We are very excited to celebrate all of our high school graduates on December 15, 2023!

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Inspiration for everyone

Now that you know these spaces exist and are a reality, we hope to inspire other families to join, organize, and form a community. Likewise, search within your local area because without knowing it, there may be a school very similar to Los Castaños near you, where your children can obtain alternative, emotional, and ethical education in their community.

All the images in this article are actual photos of Los Castaños. Here are some pictures of its facilities:

Thank you for daring to make a difference and supporting educational freedom!

Happy 7th Anniversary to Los Castaños!

Point of View on Curriculum at West River Academy

Point of View on Curriculum at West River Academy

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  Undoubtedly, a curriculum organizes and greatly simplifies the student’s life. Having a guide of what to study according to age sounds logical since humans usually evolve similarly; we do so at different rates and depths. Find out how we view the curriculum at West River Academy.

The school, as we know it, came to solve a global problem: the massification of education. Only a few had access to theoretical knowledge just over a century ago. Time and time again, entire communities came to the same conclusion in different eras, which was inefficient in an increasingly connected and globalized world.

Humanity has continued to evolve, and this problem is in the past. More and more families know that they can ask themselves the individual question: “How do I study?” At first, it is just a concern, and sometimes just an unfulfilled desire: to be able to personalize your children’s education according to their interests and time. And this is where our point of view comes from.

Pila de libros coloridos


In an adult-centric world, it is expected to believe that the adult should guide their children’s education. At West River Academy, we believe that adults should only act as a companion, mere observers at the service of their children. Why? Because it is the individual who knows his vocation, his talents, and his purpose. No matter how old he is.

Routines tend to develop naturally when our toddlers are not in school without an external entity dictating 100% of it. These routines are structured by the parents’ available time, the needs that arise within the family, and even shaped by the culture of the geographical location of each family.

Without realizing it, these routines are study plans. Observing that our children love art and buying materials so they can doodle everywhere or a plastic musical instrument to emulate what they play is a study plan since it is taught to them. It gives our children the opportunity to explore their abilities through play.

niños estudiando en su cocina con mantas

How does a child who doesn’t go to school study?

Then school age arrives, and we wait patiently for the institution to give us a list of materials and books, and we trust that the study plan or curriculum is appropriate for our children. It’s the way that worked for our parents and that worked for us.

As this process is foreign to our planning, we feel the impulse to create a curriculum outside of our children’s planning, acting as the institution that offers knowledge, which entails a period of uncertainty if what they are learning is sufficient. And then bombard our children with information. It’s much simpler than this.

The first year can be the most overwhelming, and doing so alone usually takes longer to unschool. When you sign up with us, you have one-hour personalized consultations. Also, we have monthly meetings with other families and monthly zooms with the WRA director, answering common questions, which makes the process much more bearable and faster.

In our article “Students who do not fit into the traditional education system,” we share several links to websites with study plans as support. At the same time, you can unschool your adult brain and create a study plan with the flexibility your children need to know themselves and achieve their individual goals at every stage.

niña usando una computadora

Study plan and workload

This is why you will not find a pre-established study plan at West River Academy because we want to keep all beings from following another’s or the mass path. We only demand that you present to us at the end of the year report what the learning process was like, what you learned, and how it went from the family experience.

With us, you will find endless tools to assemble your study plan, whether planned or emerging as your son or daughter lives. Each family is different and knows what is best for each member. That is why we encourage natural education, whether respecting an entire period of 3 months in a single activity or diversifying several activities during the week. Observe with patience and trust. Remember it as a mantra: Patience and Trust.

Portada del libro de E. D. Hirsch

BONUS: Books in English by E. D. Hirsch.

If you are still not convinced by natural education and want to be covered by what your children should know in each grade according to the traditional educational system, the author E. D. Hirsch made a collection of books that are currently only in English. These are titled like: “ What Your Second Grader Needs to Know,” and there is a book for each grade, from preschool to high school. You must replace “second grader” with the degree you wish to investigate.

We hope this article has been helpful to you and you have been able to answer your doubts about which study plan or curriculum to choose when unschooling. We invite you to read other posts on our blog to delve deeper into the unschooling topic.

How is unschooling different from homeschooling?

How is unschooling different from homeschooling?

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Many times you have read on our blog and throughout our website the word “Unschooling,” and it is possible that you approached us to do “Homeschooling.” You may have thought that they are synonymous. They are not, and each one has its particularity.

Homeschooling is usually the first approach to changing the traditional educational system to adapt to their lifestyle. This does not leave aside the subjects, grades, and evaluations. The content is dictated by the educational system, with a mixture of interests. All this is learned at the student’s pace and from home.

As we go through homeschooling, it is normal to lose a bit of the structure and the rhythm to become more and more lax. We start to worry if our children are being educated correctly. This period of family readjustment can be very uncomfortable for all family members, and the fear of the future and doubts about having made a good decision settle in family dynamics: Conflicts begin.

At this point, some families ask for outside help and hire tutors to help them maintain the pace with which they came, others return to the traditional educational system, and others opt for unschooling. All options are valid since only families know what is best for their children’s education.

Dos puertas de dos colores distintos

Homeschooling and Unschooling

Unschooling is about education without the curriculum established by the traditional educational system, without grades. At West River Academy (WRA), we feel comfortable with both systems and even dual enrollment if the family decides to continue with the traditional educational system and certify their other activities with us.

The fundamental pillar of unschooling is natural learning. This speaks of the promotion of the innate qualities of the individual, expanding the space for experimentation without rigorous study plans or excessive care. Giving rise to the spontaneity and curiosity inherent to the human being.

For many years we have been told that it is impossible to have a functional life if we do not have the same schedule every day; we share with a number of people and that someone else must bring us knowledge in a structured way. In reality, this type of education is one of the many that there are to offer. 

Choosing the traditional educational system is an option, but other alternatives can be accredited. At WRA, we pride ourselves on welcoming all those who do or do not fit into the established educational system. There are as many ways to be educated as there are families!

dos tipos de paredes, una de ladrillo y otra frisada

What is the difference and similarity?

The fundamental difference between homeschooling and unschooling is that in homeschooling, the school is transferred to the home, with all its elements. In contrast, unschooling is based on natural learning, and there are no subjects or evaluations but life. This is why our slogan is: “Turning life experiences into academic credit.”

In both systems, education is considered, one in a schooled way and the other in an unschooled way. It is common to confuse education with schooling when one contains the other, and they are not synonymous. Unschooling doesn’t mean being uneducated.

We hope we have clarified all the doubts regarding these two concepts with this brief explanation. Now that you know if you are homeschooling or unschooling or plan to try it, you know the difference.

Setting limits in parenting and in everything else is necessary.

Setting limits in parenting and in everything else is necessary.

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When we think of setting limits in parenting, the first thing that comes to mind is the negative connotation that has fallen socially on the word “limit” and its derivatives: limitation, limited, and so on. This article will clean all the external emotions of the word and associate it from today with Freedom.

Limits never speak of being an obstacle or locking an individual into an idea. It talks about boundaries and that space that belongs to each individual or group of people and that not only helps us to respect others but also to respect and make our personal space respected.

Once this parameter is established, we can realize that limits are necessary, not only in parenting but also in the healthy development of any group of people of any age and any field.

Two fundamental factors for the limits to be effective are setting and enforcing them. It is only helpful to set limits with sustained accompaniment. Setting boundaries is not pleasant when the situation reaches a hostile point. It is always possible to do it.

niños jugando libremente en el bosque

Norms and limits in parenting

When we place limits on our children from an early age, these limits are usually given in a more conciliatory way. Another word associated with boundaries and with negative emotional charge is “authority.” We must also clean this word to make more helpful use, and we will do it in another article. We want to clarify that limits do not have much to do with authority. They have to do with Freedom and Respect.

To place healthy and practical limits, these have to be drawn from the natural consequences and not from the whims or fears of our wounded inner child. We have a guide to spot the difference. Once detected and healed, setting limits will be the most coherent and straightforward thing that has happened to you.

Practical exercise in understanding limits

In respectful parenting, the fundamental pillar is always to put yourself in the other’s shoes. It is based on empathy. That is, place ourselves at the same height as our children and do the exercise of feeling what they would experience, of being in the same place.

Today we bring an exercise that will change our perspective on how limits look, feel, and are needed and how they bring us a healthy coexistence.

mujer le habla a un hombre con mochila al aire libre

Let’s play with the imagination. First, we need you to get into character:

You decided to spend this year backpacking from one country to another. You don’t know what to expect from this first meeting with your host. You have never met them in person. 


Let’s play!

You arrive in the town with all your luggage, with the typical exhaustion of a train journey of hours and a walk to find your destination. When you finally find the address and knock on the door, your host opens with a big smile, but you can tell he’s in trouble. He quickly explains that an emergency arose, and he was waiting for you to come out. He hands you the keys to his house, tells you you’re at home, and leaves. He doesn’t give you the opportunity to accompany him.

Please take some time to reflect on how you feel and what your next step would be.

What could you do while your host is away? What would you do while you wait?



Possible answers

  1. You enter the house, visualize the clearest corner to leave your things, and disturb as little as possible, you hang around the house a bit, but you always end up next to your things and entertain yourself with your things to pass the time.
  2. You enter the house, leave your things at the entrance, and since you have the keys, you decide to go out and see the surroundings and come back when you think there will be someone at home.
  3. You enter the house, leave your things and go straight to the kitchen. You decide to please your host by receiving him when he returns with a typical meal from your country, plus you are hungry from the trip.

What is behind each answer

  1. You placed limits within ignorance and uncertainty, which made you fall prey to the situation. Much of your freedom is paralyzed until the host returns. Counterintuitively, someone else has control, even though they told you you are at home with the best smiles and intentions. This scenario benefits the one who does not set limits.
  2. You decided not to belong to the group, to continue until you could adequately interact with someone individually. In the best scenario, you arrive a few minutes before your host and start over. On the other hand, in a not-so-nice scenario, your host returns to look for something quick to return, he had given you the only key, and you are not there. The host seems aggrieved and shifts the blame to you.
  3. You are at your peak of freedom, happy with the surprise that your host will get, and when he arrives, you find out that some of the ingredients you used, he was going to use for something that he promised to bring the next day, and it is too late to replace it. Although your intentions were good, you added something else to your host’s day of emergencies. You feel responsible for the discomfort.
familia de tres integrantes, uno señala mostrando algo

Transferred to parenthood

The world of unschooling can be overwhelming at first, and one of the reasons is precisely not knowing how to set limits, confusing freedom with the absence of limits when in reality, it is the other way around.

Let’s switch roles. You are the host, and your son is the backpacker. Only now, you are the mother/father/tutor, and the child or adolescent is himself. In most cases, kids who have dropped out of the school usually start with option three, and if some punishments or rewards do not obey natural consequences, they turn to options 1 and 2.

The absence of limits could cause a lack of creativity due to fear of failure. Distance from the family so as not to disturb them. And three, in confusing behaviors, which are done with the best intentions, only the results are not harmonious with the family group. Does it sound familiar to you? Once this is known, everything is repairable. Limits are fundamental.

How to set boundaries in parenting

Following the same line as the backpacker, let’s play imagining again. You are again that person who travels and arrives at a stranger’s house, and your host receives you with a big smile, even though you notice he is in trouble. This time the situation has something different:

This person explains that they have an emergency, that everything is ready in your room, which is the one with a red and black duvet, and your bathroom is the yellow one on the right when you leave your room. He gives you a copy of the key and tells you that everyone has their own, that there is food already made in the kitchen, and that you can walk around the house except for the room in the back, which is blue and, above all things, you can’t touch the law books on the shelf. He says goodbye and leaves.

What could you do while your host is away? What would you do while you wait?



You likely sit in your room, rest, bathe, eat, and feel completely free since you know the rules and how far you can go for the good of family life. We still can’t read minds, nor can your son or daughter.

Compared with situation 2, if your child understands the rules, he will be able to move freely and be authentic, without fear, as long as those limits are consistent and protect personal and group well-being.

Another important aspect when setting limits is that once established, the reason behind them is explained, but when reminded, they should be directed without needing further details. A long argument in a risky situation can lead to confusion and loss of the sense of limit.

As they demonstrate responsibility by taking specific actions, the boundaries will loosen as their purpose will be understood. Sometimes the limits will still exist, but we will no longer be responsible for enforcing them because it will not be necessary. Our children will understand and use them. 

This does not imply that in the future, we will once again have the responsibility to enforce it, remember that the second important factor of the limit is implementing them.

Don’t be afraid to set limits again

When we repeat behaviors that we were told are part of the role of a mother or father and do not question them, we likely believe that it is a weakness to set limits again since it is a lack of authority. How many times did you listen to others or hear yourself say? How many times do I have to repeat it to you? ”; the answer is: as many times as necessary, and it will also be done in the same way as the first time, calmly, in a conciliatory and firm manner. Click here to read about an exercise that avoids repeating behaviors without question. 

An example of this can be seen in the field of cooking. When we start teaching our children to cook, a straightforward and typical rule is that they do not use sharp kitchen utensils. These are reserved for adults only. Over time, this rule is relaxed, allowing them to use them under adult supervision until they reach the point where they can handle the cookware without supervision.

However, at some point, they invite their friends over and, excited by the visit, begin to take the kitchen utensils as toys. In that case, it is necessary to take back the responsibility of setting limits and explain to them that their behavior was not responsible or safe for themselves or themselves. For this reason, “you will not be able to use the utensils again when there are visitors since you have shown that you cannot handle the situation with an additional variable.”

Over time, they may be able to use utensils with complete autonomy, but it is crucial ALWAYS to set limits. This is the way to accompany and care for our children.

madre colocando limites verbales a su hija en la cocina

Setting limits applies to children, adolescents, and adults, whether they are our children or not, as long as we are in a group with a common goal. This applies to a backpacker and host, at work, with friends, or in a sports team where you perform. In short, in every group of your life.

Setting limits and respecting the limits that others establish are essential to coexistence as long as they safeguard your safety and that of everyone. With this in mind, you can prepare your children to know how to act when faced with unfair rules that only benefit a particular group or person.

The key is to be consistent and live how we want the world to be.

I hope this walk through the limits has served you and knowing what to do lovingly and naturally.
