InspirED: Kubrio families ask Peggy very good questions

InspirED: Kubrio families ask Peggy very good questions

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Welcome to an insightful episode where Kubrio families worldwide connect with our Peggy Webb. Peggy answers their pressing questions: What is the value of accreditation? Why is it beneficial to separate curriculum from accreditation? And how does West River Academy support this unique approach?

Joined by Vlad, the creator of Kubrio (formerly Galileo), Peggy dives deep into how families can embrace alternative learning paths while ensuring their children receive the credentials they need for future success. Tune in to discover a new perspective on education and accreditation!


Tuneagers Podcast: Learning & Creativity (FT Peggy Webb)

Tuneagers Podcast: Learning & Creativity (FT Peggy Webb)

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In this episode of the Tuneagers Podcast: Learning & Creativity, Aimee Bobruk introduces Tuneagers, a songwriting club for teens, and interviews Peggy Webb about nurturing the talents of West River Academy students.

Tuneagers offers a supportive community where young songwriters can connect, learn, and grow. Founded by Aimee, a seasoned musician, Tuneagers provides the guidance and tools needed to develop your songwriting skills.

With up to eight hours of monthly instruction, this club accelerates your growth as an artist. Please tune in to hear more about Tuneagers and its exciting opportunities, including scholarships and discounts for West River Academy students.

You can go to Spotify to listen to it with this link:

You can also listen to it on Apple here:

Read extensively about Tuneagers in our blog post.

Discover Tuneagers: A Songwriting Club for Teens

Discover Tuneagers: A Songwriting Club for Teens

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Navigating the teenage years can be challenging, and finding a constructive outlet for creativity is essential. That’s where Tuneagers comes in—a songwriting club designed exclusively for teens. This club offers a supportive environment where young, aspiring songwriters can connect with peers worldwide, learn the intricacies of songwriting, and begin their journey as artists.

Tuneagers is more than just a club. It’s a community where teenagers can find their voice, share their stories, and grow as songwriters. Whether you’re an experienced songwriter or just starting, Tuneagers provides the tools, instruction, and encouragement needed to hone your craft. And now, Tuneagers is offering a scholarship for free access and a 25% discount for West River Academy students!

You can listen to Tuneagers founder’s interview with our Peggy Webb about education freedom.

Why Join Tuneagers?

Find Your Voice, Share Your Story

Learning to write songs is a skill that requires both instruction and regular practice. This process can be daunting and less enjoyable when done alone. Tuneagers offers a vibrant community of like-minded peers and professional songwriters who will guide you through the songwriting process, providing feedback and encouragement every step of the way.

In Tuneagers, you’ll have the opportunity to meet professional songwriters who will share the tricks of the trade, helping you learn to tell compelling stories through music. This isn’t just about writing songs; it’s about becoming a storyteller, a collaborator, and an artist.

Tuneagers allef vinicius

A Community of Peers and Professionals

Tuneagers is not just a club; it’s a community tailored to your interests. Want to learn how to write rhymes from a professional hip-hop artist? Are you interested in co-writing a rock opera? Whatever your passion, Tuneagers will connect you with professionals who can help you explore and develop your unique style.

The club also emphasizes collaboration, teaching you how to co-write songs—a valuable skill in the music industry. Even the biggest names in music, like Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, and Justin Timberlake, often co-write their songs. At Tuneagers, you’ll make friends and learn how to create music together, enhancing your songwriting abilities and building a network of fellow music enthusiasts.

Accelerate Your Growth as a Songwriter

Join Tuneagers and gain access to up to eight hours of instruction and live events each month for the price of a single music lesson. Traditional one-on-one lessons are beneficial, but a songwriting club like Tuneagers offers a unique advantage by focusing on the art of making music. These hands-on learning opportunities will help you develop your songwriting skills rapidly while also providing a platform to build social connections with teens from around the globe.

Meet the Founder

Tuneagers was founded by Aimee Bobruk, a professional musician, songwriter, and music teacher with over 15 years of experience in the music industry. Aimee has written and released multiple albums of original music and collaborates with publishing companies and artists as a lyricist and melody writer. Her song “Black Swan” was performed in Eurovision’s Melodifestivalen in Sweden, and she has over 25 co-writes released worldwide and two Grammy nominations.

“When I was 15 years old living in a small town and trying to learn how to play the guitar and write songs, I had nowhere to turn to learn how to do it. I wanted a group of kids like me, a mentor to ask questions to, and a live music venue. Tuneagers is the club I wish I had then!” says Aimee Bobruk. Tuneagers is her passion project, designed to provide the support and community she once longed for.

Aimee Bobruk
Tuneagers Poster

Scholarship Opportunities

Tuneagers is excited to offer a scholarship for free teen access until October 30th. This scholarship includes intensive mentorship from Aimee Bobruk and access to a wealth of content to help you write your first song. Valued at $2000, this is a fantastic opportunity to bring your musical ideas to life. Applications are open until August 15, 2024. Apply now using this form.

Even if you miss the application deadline or are not accepted, there’s still good news. All learners associated with West River Academy will receive a 25% discount on the Tuneagers Club Membership until October 30th. For any questions, feel free to email Aimee at

Join Tuneagers Today

Tuneagers is more than a club; it’s a stepping stone to discovering your artistic voice and building a network of supportive peers and professionals. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to grow as a songwriter and artist. Visit Tuneagers today to learn more and join our community!

Mentes Brillantes: Una Educación Visionaria en Ecuador

Mentes Brillantes: Una Educación Visionaria en Ecuador

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La fundación de Mentes Brillantes es una historia arraigada en el deseo de una madre de crear un entorno educativo único y de apoyo para su hija. Sonnia de Carrion, quien ha dedicado casi 30 años a la enseñanza, imaginó una educación diferente mientras estaba embarazada de su hija. Preocupada de que la educación sin escolarización pudiera ser una opción solitaria para su única hija, Sonnia buscó crear un entorno de aprendizaje seguro, acogedor y estimulante.

Mentes Brillantes comenzó como reuniones informales en 2019, donde la hija de Sonnia y los hijos de amigos cercanos, que compartían filosofías educativas similares, participaban en clases de inglés y cocina, y disfrutaban de mucho juego libre. El núcleo de esta iniciativa fue la alegría y el crecimiento observados entre estos niños, todos ellos compartiendo las mismas creencias religiosas como Testigos de Jehová.

De Reuniones Informales a una Escuela Próspera

Lo que comenzó como clases casuales rápidamente evolucionó hacia un programa más estructurado. Superando numerosos desafíos, Sonnia y su esposo descubrieron West River Academy, una institución que se alineaba perfectamente con su visión de una escuela segura basada en valores. Comenzando con 20 estudiantes, Mentes Brillantes se adaptó rápidamente a la pandemia, ampliando su alcance a 100 estudiantes en línea. La dedicación de Sonnia y su esposo, quienes inicialmente dirigían la escuela solos, fue fundamental en este crecimiento.

A medida que la escuela crecía, se contrataron más maestros y los estudiantes se dividieron en grados. Para 2022, Mentes Brillantes comenzó a buscar un lugar físico para clases presenciales. Actualmente, atienden a 315 estudiantes a través de una mezcla de modalidades presenciales, en línea y mixtas.

Los estudiantes desde Pre-Kinder hasta sexto grado pueden asistir a la escuela los lunes, martes y miércoles, mientras que las clases del jueves están disponibles en línea. Los viernes son libres para estos estudiantes. Para los estudiantes de séptimo a duodécimo grado, las clases presenciales se llevan a cabo los jueves y viernes, con la opción de asistir en línea. Tienen cursos en línea los martes y miércoles, y los lunes son libres. Todas las clases presenciales están disponibles en vivo, via online.

Un Enfoque Holístico de la Educación

La escuela enfatiza una educación holística, incorporando varias actividades extracurriculares como concursos de ortografía, obras de teatro, coreografías, concursos de arte, espectáculos de talentos musicales y excursiones. Estos eventos están diseñados para reforzar los talentos y conocimientos de los estudiantes, proporcionando una experiencia educativa integral.

La evaluación en Mentes Brillantes incluye cuatro exámenes al año, que pueden ser tomados en línea o en persona. Su programa de graduación es particularmente notable. En el duodécimo grado, los estudiantes seleccionan un tema que les apasiona y escriben un trabajo de investigación. Este proceso incluye fechas límite, reglas y reuniones en inglés para discutir los temas, guiados por tutores de proyectos. Si un estudiante no es competente en inglés, se le permite completar el proyecto en español.

Al final del año, los estudiantes presentan su investigación oralmente a jueces, resumiendo su investigación de todo el año y discutiendo sus hallazgos y conclusiones. Este ejercicio ayuda a desarrollar habilidades blandas esenciales como hablar en público y capacidades de investigación.

Construyendo una Comunidad de Apoyo

El viaje de Mentes Brillantes ha estado marcado por el crecimiento y el éxito, en gran parte atribuido a la comunidad de apoyo de educadores, estudiantes y padres, junto con el significativo apoyo de West River Academy. El compromiso de la escuela con cada estudiante y sus familias es evidente en cada aspecto de su enfoque.

La visión de Sonnia de Carrion ha florecido en una vibrante comunidad donde los estudiantes aprenden, juegan y crecen juntos. Con la bendición de Jehová, Mentes Brillantes ha visto graduarse a dos grupos de estudiantes en 2023 y 2024, un testimonio de la dedicación y efectividad de la escuela.

Mirando hacia el futuro, Mentes Brillantes tiene como objetivo continuar fomentando las habilidades y cualidades espirituales necesarias para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito en la vida. La colaboración con West River Academy y el fuerte sentido de comunidad prometen un futuro brillante para esta innovadora iniciativa educativa.

Mentes Brillantes: A Visionary Education in Ecuador

Mentes Brillantes: A Visionary Education in Ecuador

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The foundation of Mentes Brillantes is a story rooted in a mother’s desire to create a unique and supportive educational environment for her child. Sonnia de Carrion, who has dedicated nearly 30 years to teaching, envisioned a different kind of education while pregnant with her daughter. Concerned that unschooling might be a lonely option for her only child, Sonnia sought to create a nurturing, safe, and engaging learning environment.

Mentes Brillantes started as informal gatherings in 2019, where Sonnia’s daughter and children of close friends, who shared similar educational philosophies, participated in English and cooking classes and enjoyed ample free play. The core of this initiative was the joy and growth witnessed among these children, all of whom shared the same religious beliefs as Jehovah’s Witnesses.

From Informal Gatherings to a Flourishing School

What began as casual classes quickly evolved into a more structured program. Overcoming numerous challenges, Sonnia and her husband discovered West River Academy, an institution perfectly aligned with their vision of a values-based, safe school. Starting with 20 students, Mentes Brillantes adapted swiftly to the pandemic, expanding its reach to 100 online students. The dedication of Sonnia and her husband, who initially ran the school alone, was instrumental in this growth.

As the school grew, more teachers were hired, and students were divided into grades. By 2022, Mentes Brillantes began seeking a physical location for in-person classes. Currently, they serve 315 students through a mix of presential, online, and hybrid modalities.

Pre-K to 6th grade students can attend school on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, while Thursday classes are available online. Fridays are free for these students. For 7th to 12th-grade students, in-person classes are held on Thursdays and Fridays, with the option to attend online. They have online courses on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and Mondays are free. All in-person classes are available live and online.

A Holistic Approach to Education

The school emphasizes holistic education, incorporating extracurricular activities such as Spelling Bees, Theater plays, choreographies, Art Contests, Music talent shows, and Field trips. These events reinforce the students’ talents and knowledge, providing a well-rounded educational experience.

Assessment at Mentes Brillantes includes four annual tests, which can be taken online or in person. Their graduation program is particularly noteworthy. In the 12th grade, students select a topic they are passionate about and write a research paper. This process includes deadlines, rules, and meetings in English to discuss the topics, guided by project tutors. If a student is not proficient in English, they are allowed to complete the project in Spanish.

At the end of the year, students present their research orally to judges, summarizing their year-long investigation and discussing their findings and conclusions. This exercise helps develop essential soft skills such as public speaking and research capabilities.

Building a Supportive Community

The journey of Mentes Brillantes has been marked by growth and success, primarily attributed to the supportive community of educators, students, and parents and the significant support from West River Academy. The school’s commitment to each student and their families is evident in every aspect of its approach.

Sonnia de Carrion’s vision has flourished into a vibrant community where students learn, play, and grow together. With Jehovah’s blessing, Mentes Brillantes has seen two groups of students graduate in 2023 and 2024, a testament to the school’s dedication and effectiveness.

Looking forward, Mentes Brillantes aims to continue fostering the abilities and spiritual qualities necessary for their students to succeed in life. The collaboration with West River Academy and the strong sense of community promises a bright future for this innovative educational initiative.

Descubre el Centro de Aprendizaje Jaco – Un Grupo Imparable de WRA en Costa Rica

Descubre el Centro de Aprendizaje Jaco – Un Grupo Imparable de WRA en Costa Rica

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La colaboración es clave en el Centro de Aprendizaje Jaco porque los maestros, padres y estudiantes trabajan estrechamente juntos para crear una experiencia de aprendizaje basada en la creatividad, la unidad y el aprendizaje natural. Han creado un hermoso espacio de aprendizaje que tiene diferentes secciones según el rango de edad. Tienen un espacio al aire libre, una sección deportiva en el segundo nivel, un área de música, divisiones dentro del edificio para separar las áreas de aprendizaje y llenan cada espacio con materiales de aprendizaje apropiados para cada edad, como libros, proyectos de manualidades y otros juegos y actividades educativas. Los padres y maestros trabajan bien juntos para diseñar temas de aprendizaje. Además de la curiosidad natural que viene con vivir en el clima tropical de Costa Rica, los padres y maestros priorizan las habilidades de pensamiento crítico y es muy importante enseñar a los estudiantes cómo pueden crear directamente un impacto positivo en su comunidad.

En marzo 2024, nuestra Directora Creativa, Rachel Nishikawa, tuvo la fantástica oportunidad de visitar y reunirse con la Directora, Brittany. Con tres de sus propios hijos inscritos, Brittany irradia una profunda dedicación hacia la filosofía de la desescolarización. Su calidez y compasión infinita son evidentes en cada interacción. Ella le dio a Rachel un recorrido por su vibrante centro de aprendizaje donde los niños prosperan a su propio ritmo.

Disfrutamos conectando con nuestros grupos alrededor del mundo porque es fascinante ver cómo la educación alternativa puede aplicarse en diversas culturas. En países donde retirar a los estudiantes del sistema educativo gubernamental es ilegal, las familias que se atreven a hacerlo corren el riesgo de ser arrestadas o denunciadas a los servicios sociales. Para reducir el riesgo de que esto suceda, las familias se inscriben en West River Academy y demuestran con sus documentos de Confirmación de Inscripción que están cumpliendo con las leyes de asistencia obligatoria al inscribirse en una escuela privada en los Estados Unidos. También pueden presentar transcriptos oficiales para demostrar que el estudiante ha completado niveles de grado. Los mundiescolares y otros expatriados que se unen a comunidades de aprendizaje pueden sentirse más seguros al estar inscritos en una escuela como West River Academy.
