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Discover Tuneagers: A Songwriting Club for Teens

Navigating the teenage years can be challenging, and finding a constructive outlet for creativity is essential. That’s where Tuneagers comes in—a songwriting club designed exclusively for teens
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Mentes Brillantes: A Visionary Education in Ecuador

The foundation of Mentes Brillantes is a story rooted in a mother’s desire to create a unique and supportive educational environment for her child.
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Jaco Learning Center – WRA Group in Costa Rica

Learn about one of West River Academy's groups in Costa Rica. Students love to learn naturally at Jaco Learning Center.
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Meet Lifelong Student of WRA, Anastasia Tegheni

“We had the freedom of expressing ourselves through art, poetry, science, music and, mostly, just being in nature.” - Anastasia Tegheni
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Interview on Wild Life – The Unschooling Podcast (Alexandra Kons)

Listen to a fascinating interview Alexandra Kons made with Peggy on her Podcast. If you are new at unschooling, you need to hear this.
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“Umbrella School” West River Academy’s Peggy Webb on Helping Worldschoolers Get into University

Peggy was interviewed by Lizz Quain, a digital nomad and mom that created "Worldschooling Traveling & Trailblazing Families" YouTube channel and is part of a large group of worldschoolers that connect on the Facebook group, “Worldschooling Traveling Digital Nomad Trailblazing FAMILIES".
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WRA Groups: Meet Los Castaños from El Salvador

We'd like to introduce you to one of our 102 groups world-wide in West River Academy. Los Castaños is a group in El Salvador that is committed to educating their students in an expansive way.  This year celebrates seven years of educating students and teaching the community about alternative education.
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Point of View on Curriculum at West River Academy

Undoubtedly, a curriculum organizes and greatly simplifies the student's life. Having a guide of what to study according to age sounds logical since humans usually evolve similarly; we do so at different rates and depths. Find out how we view the curriculum at West River Academy.
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How is unschooling different from homeschooling?

Many times you have read on our blog and throughout our website the word "Unschooling," and it is possible that you approached us to do "Homeschooling." You may have thought that they are synonymous. They are not, and each one has its particularity.
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Setting limits in parenting and in everything else is necessary.

When we think of setting limits in parenting, the first thing that comes to mind is the negative connotation that has fallen socially on the word "limit" and its derivatives: limitation, limited, and so on. This article will clean all the external emotions of the word and associate it from today with Freedom.
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Students who do not fit into the traditional education system

At West River Academy (WRA), we are pleased to receive these types of students because of their indomitable spirit.
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A simple way to do unschooling: deschooling the adult brain

Unschooling the adult brain is an idea that comes to mind abstractly. It is an intuition and a feeling that we do not say out loud since we do not know how "correct" that phrase is. This feeling is the first indication that you started your journey to freedom.
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Josie’s Graduation Project

See how our Class of 2021 Graduate, Josie, illustrated her educational journey accompanied by a written narration of her creative thought process.
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Damian’s Story

Class of 2021 Romanian Graduate, Damian, shares his insights on transferring from public education to natural learning with West River Academy.
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Homeschool Experts Panel – How PSP’s Operates

Listen to a panel of homeschool experts discuss unschooling ideas.
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Interview with WRA mom, Sarah Moore.

Peggy discusses the history of West River Academy, and her philosophy of education and positive parenting through encouraging individuality and empowering the child to direct their education.
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Lessons Learned Through Family Gaming: A Year-end Report

WRA Mom tells us how much she has learned about her children through playing video games as a family during lockdown.
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Top 5 Online Homeschooling Resources

We have gathered the five most popular learning materials that our currently enrolled families use to supplement their homeschooling/unschooling/worldschooling education..
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Homeschooling Global Summit 2020

Are your children home from school due to the spread of Coronavirus? Or are you already homeschooling and would like more resources? Tune in to this virtual global event June 29 - July 8!
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Navigate Another Way of Learning

Homeschooling does not just mean doing school at home, it can mean so much more for your family. It's okay to let your children learn naturally...and it's way more FUN!
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WRA Graduate Shares an Update

I graduated from West River Academy in 2013. Since then, I have completed a Bachelors and Masters degree in Applied Mathematics at the University of Colorado...
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~Photo Contest 2019~

We could not be more thrilled, honored, and downright AMAZED by the photos submitted for our Photo Contest! Families all over the world have submitted their photos, and we have received more than we could possibly display..
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Isaac Loves Learning: A Year End Report

This year we completed our third year of Classical Conversations, supplemented by a variety of curricula, activities, and events. We are enjoying our time together and...
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Congratulations to our Class of 2019!

As our academic year of 2018 - 2019 comes to a close, we would like to give out a heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS to our graduates! 
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I Don’t Want A Day Without Learning…

I’ll be honest, I always found it difficult to follow a routine but having one and sticking to has been easier these past few months.
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A Graduate’s Journal

In our Graduation Program we not only want to hear about the curriculum you might be doing, but we want to know who you are, what influences your thought process and the person you are aspiring to be.
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Creatively Learning

In the High School Graduation Program, students are given the flexibility to choose their own schedule and learning materials; some choose a curriculum-based approach and others choose an interest-based...
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A Graduates’ Path to Self-discovery

The West River Academy Graduation Program students are a true testament to the philosophy that there is beauty in diversity. The young adults that we cross...
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What Does Unschooling Look Like?

“Ultimately, unschooling “looks like” young people pursuing their own dreams with assistance from those who love and support them!”
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The Balancing Act: Eden’s Story

“Everyone brings into the world unique talents and abilities, and some of mine include my strong will and determination. I will continue to engage myself in school, work and sports and try to remember to enjoy the journey along the way. Somehow I have managed to get to the places that always feel right, and this is where my education has led me.”
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Max’s Story

“Homeschooling has been a fundamental part of my life for as long as I can remember. It has given me exciting opportunities along the way that I would have never been able to fulfill otherwise...
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Happy Holidays from Our Family to Yours!

As the end of the year rings near, we want to express our gratitude for your trust in West River Academy which has allowed us to support families all over the world.
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A Letter from Ayelén: A Graduate from Argentina

Ayelén reflects on her experience as one of our recently graduated students from Río Negro, Argentina.
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Introducing Our Welcome Video

We are pleased to release our new "Welcome to West River Academy" introductory video! This quick three-minute video shares who we are, what we provide, and what we can do for you.
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A Very Rewarding Experience

María Teresita is one of our senior students from Córdoba, Argentina. This is what she has to tell us about her educational experience these last months of her journey.
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WRA Graduate Releases His First Music Single

We always enjoying hearing what our students have gone on to do after they have graduated from West River Academy. We received this lovely letter from a parent in Spain about the current activities of the 2014 graduate.
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Year End Report in Photos

Teo and Zoe are students from our international program. They’ve been really busy this year learning all kind of things and here are some amazing photographs we would like to share with you.
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Congratulations to Our Class of 2017!

We are thrilled to introduce you to our Class of 2017 Graduates! We had 85 graduates from around the world, and 10 of them...
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A Homeschooler in Canada Shares His Story

Here is the story of William, a West River Academy senior in Canada. Read his story of going from a difficult school experience to thriving in homeschooling.
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Argentinian Year End Report

Developing autonomy is important for the healthy growth of children. The best way to do that is to let them learn by doing. Learning this way allows children not only to learn concepts; but also get skills that will last them a lifetime.
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Argentinian Student Shares His Story

Facundo is a 14 year old boy living in Argentina. He has written his 2016 report by himself. This is what he has to tell about his unschooling...
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From Fishing to Mechanical Engineering: Johnathan’s story

This essay was written by a high school senior who was homeschooled since 3rd grade. His homeschool journey included...
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Who Benefits from Standardized Testing?

A student in our High School Diploma Program is taking a standardized test, and was inspired to research standardized testing in the U.S. Here’s her essay on what she learned.
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A Diverse and Accomplished Teenager

Our students have a wide variety of interests, and the freedom to pursue them to mastery. Below is a an excerpt from one of our family’s year-end report, focusing on the accomplishments and life-learning of 16 year old Kitt.
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Life-learning While Being an “au-pair” in Australia

This blog post features a student who is doing an “au-pair” program in Australia, where she is assisting a home-schooling family with their children in exchange for room and board...
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WRA Graduate Reflects on His Life as a Homeschooler

A graduate shares his homeschool journey including his "notebook method" of planning his studies, and becoming a professional disc golfer.
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Homeschooling Teen Shares His Story

This essay was written by a high school senior who was homeschooled for his whole life. Homeschooling gave him the opportunity to pursue several interests and volunteer within his community. Here are excerpts from his essay.
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Reflections on the 10th Grade: Mom’s Point of View

This mother shares how her son went from being an angry teenager to an engaged, alive person pursuing several passions...
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Pursuing a Passion-driven Life

2015 West River Academy High School Graduate, Chris Bones, exemplifies a life of pursuing passion. In an interview with Entertainment Scoop’s Vivian Adaobi, he answers her question on what drives him with one word: Passion.
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A Student Overcomes Her “Learning Disability”

My descriptions of daily frustrations at school helped my mom realize the havoc that public school was wreaking on me. My mom soon realized that the school’s approach was not addressing either my emotional needs or my educational challenges...
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Thank you for providing the freedom to be able to travel, to see the cultures and natural treasures of the world, and to live these moments together as one family. Freedom is when your time is yours and when you are the one who decides where and how to spend it.

– David, Worldschooling father of 5 –
